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I am very happy with ThermoPro TP20. I once bought iton Amazon. Much earlier I used aSOVARCATE AS530IR thermometer for cooking (it's not accurate enough, and there are a lot of new smart thermometers on the market). So I was thinking about purchasing this gadget and bought it to use with my new pellet grill and it’s marvelous.

It has two probes that I have either used both in two cuts of meat or I’ve used one to watch the temperature of the grill. They work great. The probes plug into a unit left with the barbecue and then you have another unit to carry with you. An alarm buzzes when you’re at the correct temperature.

The only fault, and it’s minor, is setting custom temperatures on the alarm. It seems a little awkward. I don’t know what would be better though. I’m so satisfied with this thermometer and can recommend it to you.

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