




我有一把PG1000(不比你的老多少)和一把SMO66。我假设你的胸肉有8磅重,这是一个扁平的而不是一个完整的包装机。这些公寓相当倾斜。我会告诉你用SMO25做第一块牛腩(实际上是前几块)。SMO25被设计成一个牛腩烤炉。我会在你打算熏制牛腩前一天左右先给它调味。我把牛腩放在一个有冷却架的烤盘上,然后把整个牛腩放在冰箱里,不盖盖子。当天的烟准备吸烟和把冷牛腩脂肪面朝上在冷吸烟。这样做的目的是在牛腩内部温度达到140-160度之前,让尽可能多的烟熏在牛腩上。关于是否裹牛腩以及用什么来裹牛腩,人们有不同的想法。我不裹胸肉。 Some people like to wrap with aluminum foil and others wrap with paper. You need to know that when they wrap with butcher paper, it isn't the white or brown paper that is lined. The butcher paper used in smoking is actually peach colored and is unlined. This paper is porous and will let additional smoke into the meat. Your idea of adding liquid to the brisket when it is wrapped is probably not going to work with this paper. Watch your internal temperature and when the brisket hits 190 degrees use a tooth pick or skewer to probe the meat. If the skewer doesn't feel like it is going into warm butter the brisket needs more time. I have had briskets that were done at 190 degrees and some that weren't done until they hit 212-215 degrees. Once you have a done brisket place it into a pre-warmed ice chest. I use the disposable aluminum pans for this. Let the brisket rest for a minimum of 1 hour and up to 4 hours before you slice it. The reason I say to use the SMO25 is that they are very forgiving for this type of cook. They use little wood and cook very moist. Once you have done several briskets in the SMO25 and have the technique down, try doing one on the PG1000.

